Behind Bars and Injustice Unveiled: The Mercedes Carrera Story

Louie Bee
Jul 23, 2023

I interview former pornstar Mercedes Carrera who is currently incarcerated in San Bernadino

Mercedes Carrera whose real name is Melinda Smith, and Daemon Cins whose real name is Jason Whitney, have been held at the San Bernadino County jail in lieu of $2 million bail for each since their arrest on Feb. 1, 2019. Their trial date had been repeatedly vacated and postponed

In a jail house interview I interviewed her about her case.

Part 1:

Part 2:

If there is any laywers out there that are interested in help Mercedes in violations of her civil rights and criminal case please conctact me at 347–927–6924



Louie Bee

Right Leaning Podcaster, Comedian, aspiring Superhero. Made of The Noble Spaniard, Brave Taino and the Strong African = 100% Proud Puerto Rican