My Covid Vaccination Story

Louie Bee
2 min readMay 16, 2021

I went to get my second covid vaccine and I was already annoyed because I really didn’t want to get this stupid vaccine because of everything I’ve heard about it. I just did it because my family nagged me to get it. Since I almost died 3 times in a two-year span, it makes them nervous. I’ll admit I was being a prolific dick when I was registering. I was like, this vaccine better not turn me into a gay frog, I better remain identifying as a cisgender male, I listen to Alex Jones. I was really trying to get myself kicked out. I saw how annoyed the workers were getting at my f*ucking malarkey.



Louie Bee

Right Leaning Podcaster, Comedian, aspiring Superhero. Made of The Noble Spaniard, Brave Taino and the Strong African = 100% Proud Puerto Rican