Why does Daryle Lamont Jenkins not acknowledge his own link to nazis and suspected rapist?

Louie Bee
6 min readMar 5, 2021

Daryle Lamont Jenkins is a professional internet stalker and slanderer. A person many in antifa follow. Perpetuating victimhood mentality selling the narrative that everyone who isn’t for socialism, marxism, communism is by default a white supremacist. The type of intellectual dishonesty that you come to expect from those on the left.

Aside from the fact that calling everyone you don’t agree with a nazi can be considered anti semitic since it marginalizes Jewish people who lost anyone in the holocaust. In fact by referring to anyone who isn’t a racist just makes light of how disgusting that time was. I dare to call a micro aggression towards Jewish people?

The argument can be made that he is just an internet beggar selling fear for profit. trying to sell that racism is so prevalent that there has been zero progress when it comes to race relations. It is real sad that a person like this exist. He acts like how Fox news and most news organizations acted after 9/11.The funny thing is why hasn’t he ever spoke about the nazis in his closet? Daryle writes for an outfit called Political research associates. Political Research Associates (PRA) is a left-wing nonprofit organization which attempts to discredit mainstream center-right views by tarring them as extremist and bigoted. ;It has an annual budget of less than $1 million, foundations. — https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/political-research-associates/



Louie Bee

Right Leaning Podcaster, Comedian, aspiring Superhero. Made of The Noble Spaniard, Brave Taino and the Strong African = 100% Proud Puerto Rican